To begin with, let's find out first if a network marketing business would be a fit in your life right now. To succeed with network marketing would require patience and perseverance. If you are looking at Network Marketing with the type of mentality as a 9-5 working job for a paycheck every 1-2 weeks, then Network Marketing may not be a fit for you at this time. If you are looking to make a lot of money right away by signing up with free business opportunities online, then prepare to be disappointed.
With that being said, only you can determine whether you are ready to take a journey into rediscovering your personal strengths and weaknesses and unlocking your full potential through the vehicle we know as Network Marketing or Multi Level Marketing (MLM).
Before continuing on with this guide, I would like you to take some time and read the ebook "Making My First Ten Million" by Brian Carruthers. You can access it by clicking on the image below. If after reading this ebook you feel that you are ready to learn more about network marketing or get involved in a network marketing business then click on "Continue" button below.